We have three Winners!

Wow! What a fabulous response to my funky bag giveaway! I am so thrilled. Thank you all so much for visiting my blog, "liking" my Facebook page and saying such kind things!

Some of you said that you didn't have Facebook pages and I'm so sorry you couldn't join in this time. But, don't despair! I love giveaways, they are super fun. I'll have another soon and it won't have anything to do with Facebook, I promise!!!

What a funny old week it has been...I thought I'd crack on and get some of those nearly finished things finished. Except I kept putting them off, you know, kept finding something else that I simply HAD to do, and doing that instead of what I was supposed to be doing...

The only things from my list of "things I must finish" that I actually did finish were Susannah's socks. They're done! I'm so pleased with them and I think they're worthy of their own post, so I'll show you next time!

Other than the socks, I sewed up a MASSIVE hole in the trampoline net...while the little kids bounced and bounced...tricky! That HAD to be done!
And, I made a total of five hats; a gnome hat, Robin Hood hat, peaked cap, balaclava and a top hat....all for an EGG...one for each day of school. Actually, I am ashamed to say that the egg hat thing was a shameless case of "mummy getting overly involved in the school project"...oh dear...but it was fun...
And, I knitted and knitted and knitted and have nearly finished one sleeve on my wispi cardi. PHEW!

New project bag

And then, finally, on Friday afternoon, I decided on a whim that I needed a new bag for my wispi knitting, so whipped up a new biggish box bag that I'm quite tickled with...cheery and springish, it's about the size of a shoe box, perfect!

New project bag

 Actually, I've had a lovely week! The sun shone, washing dried on the line, we ate lunch outside. I got lots done, even if it wasn't on my list...perhaps next week I'll tackle that to do list?! Unless something better comes along...
Did you get the things on your list done? Or, were you tempted by other fun?!

Anyhow, enough rambling! Who won the bags!!!
The random number picker has spoken...

Tra la la....drum roll...you get the picture...

giveaway bags

The very plush and racey Red Velvet was won by Louisa Herbs!

giveaway bags

And, Mimi Fan won chic Cream Linen!

giveaway bags

Finally, glamorous Green Boucle goes to Natasha Seidel!

I hope you enjoy them!

Send me your details and I'll wing them off to you.

The rest of you, thank you again! It has been such a fun week. Let's do it again soon!
Bye for now and have a lovely weekend!!!