Truly Myrtle

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Thank you for all your lovely comments about my box bag tutorial! Wow! It's created a lot of interest and hopefully tons of fab box bags are being made. I'd love to see them! If you've made one do you fancy posting a picture in the Truly Myrtle Flickr group so we could all see?

In the meantime, it's time for a catch-up! There are lots of "nearly finished" goodies lying around the Myrtle home...

I've nearly finished Susannah's socks, oh so nearly...hasn't been all roses though.
It started with a tricky set-back earlier in the week. The baby ran off with my yarn, stitches flew off the needles....Mr Myrtle leapt up to chase the baby and tripped magnificently over the yarn, pulling many more stitches as he went....I nearly wept and spent a very long, desperately frustrating time fixing the sorry mess...

Then, on Friday I met a friend for coffee and was happily steaming ahead with the second foot, chatting, chatting, chatting...only to realise that I was still decreasing for the instep, and I'd already done that rip rip...

socks for Susannah

So, my plan is to curl up here this afternoon, on the sofa in the playroom, with a cup of coffee and knit, knit and knit some more. The kids can play and we'll have fish & chips for dinner.

I don't want to talk about my Wispy Cardi. S.L.O.W.

Fab St Heliers bag

It hasn't been all disaster though.

I'm thrilled with a new bag that I've made, to my own new design...isn't it lovely?! The exterior fabric is a heavy, textured cotton in the most fabulous shade of teal. And, I love the lining, a floral cotton print. I bought it years ago to make myself a skirt...but it was just so right for this bag I had to use it. Do you see the magnetic snap to close it? Loving these!!!!

St Heliers bag detail

The detail on the front is an appliqué flower from the lining fabric and I've top-stitched it by hand...I'm so pleased with how it's turned out. Can't wait to sling it over my shoulder and take it somewhere!

I'm calling this design the St. Heliers bag and I'm hoping to whip up some more of these lovelies in other fabrics for my Etsy shop soon...I'll let you know on Facebook & pop a link on my blog when some goodies are listed!

Fab bags - St Heliers & Kumera

I’m quite chuffed because this wee cutie even has a big sister on the way; the Kumera bag. She’s not finished and likely to be modified a bit before the pattern is finalised, but she is a beauty. More spacious, great big pocket on the front, lots of appliqué and more … she’s a work in progress.

Oh, how I love bags…

New yarn

Look at this ball of promise! I’m itching to get my needles onto this bouncy yummy yarn that I bought just yesterday at my LYS, The Sheep Shop.

Oh, there is so much lovely yarn in Sarah’s delightful little shop…it was so hard to choose! I picked up this, put down that, carried around this, swooned over that...but, in the end, teal seems to be stealing my heart at the moment and this alpaca is so soft and delicious….so it won.

I’ve a new pattern in my head and I can’t wait to get started. I’ve wound the ball, but am forcing myself to finish those socks first.

Thanks for visiting! Pop back again soon!
I’m having a fantastic giveaway next week – I just can’t wait to show you! You’ll love it!