Truly Myrtle

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Knitting - whatever the weather

Well, I don't know about you, but I knit whatever the weather. Hot, cold or in between, click, click, click go my needles.  One very hot summer a few years ago I knitted beside beaches and swimming pools all over Europe. I did get a few funny looks, but I hid behind my sunglasses and managed to get a bunch of cardigans and sweaters finished for my two big kids, ready for their first cold English winter. 

Usually I knit according to the weather outside. Or at least I save bigger projects for cooler weather. Last year I knitted a couple of pairs of socks while we were camping. In really hot weather they are the perfect item to knit. Light and small, quick satisfaction.
In contrast, during the winter, nothing is nicer than a lap full of scrummy warm wool.

So, what is on my needles during this wet and chilly spring weather we're having now?

Silver buttercup

My "main" knitting is my silver Buttercup for the luvinthemommyhood tops, tanks & tees knit along. To be honest I have had mixed feelings about this knit. I started with a hiss and a roar; zooming down from the neck, joining it in the round, enjoying the lace along the front and then splitting the body from the sleeves. And then I tried it on and... it was too big! 

You see, I am at the bottom end of one size, but the next size down is just too small. I contemplated going down a size but then thought to check my gauge. What was this! I was off.... by TWO whole stitches!!! How did that happen? My swatch was okay... I even did the fancy swatching in the round technique suggested by Jane Richmond. In the end, I decided it was the toddler's fault. She jumps on and off my lap in the evenings and my knitting goes all lax.

So I frogged the lot. Went down a couple of needle sizes and started again. I am using my metal tips this time and although they are faster to knit with, I've made slower progress. I think it is because it's the second time round and I've lost my va va voom. 
I'm finally just past the point I was when I unpicked the lot. I'm heading down the body again. Setting aside that niggling thought that I should be finished by now.... I think I'm starting to feel the love again...


My Wispi is also still ticking along. It's on a holder right now because I've pinched the needle tips for my Buttercup. But it is slooooowly growing. I did say this would be background knitting, and it is! I pick it up when I don't have something else handy... I'm still loving the colour!

So far, I've made it down the arm and am working my way across my back. Remember how I had plans to adjust the pattern? I want longer, fitted sleeves and I've knitted them in the round. So far, my number crunching is working out okay. I'm knitting the Women's medium size and I cast on 52 stitches instead of the 78 required. I popped a stitch marker bang in the middle and knitted in the round,  increasing either side of the marker every 8 rows, until I had 78 stitches. I've used the Elizabeth Zimmerman M1 increase which looks great. Once I reached 78 stitches I tried the sleeve on and decided that I wanted it even longer, so I kept knitting round after round, trying it on, then knitting more and more, until it was as long as I wanted it. In the end I have a super long sleeve, 53.5cm/21" from my armpit to cuff.

Now I am following the pattern, knitting flat, till I get to the other side of the back. Then I have to remember what I did for the first sleeve.... and do it backwards. Wish me luck!
