Truly Myrtle

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Silver Buttercup

Silver Buttercup

Well here we are. I t is finished - finally! My silver Buttercup has finally been knitted, re-knitted and blocked. Phew.

Excuse my wonky necklace. My photographer (Mr Myrtle) didn't alert me that it was flipping up, he said he was just there to take photos and he didn't notice. I'm thinking he'll have to undergo some sort of training. But, I'll forgive him this time. He bought it for me after all, and he's a great necklace chooser. 

Silver Buttercup

I'm really pleased with how my Buttercup has turned out. The neck is great,  I totally love the deep curve and the lace.  I added a couple of extra rows to bring the neckline up around sides and over the shoulders and it sits beautifully. 

The pattern is quite A-line but I ignored the shaping under the arms, because I get lost in voluminous tops. Instead, I knit straight down the body. It looks a little boxy in this photo, but it's better in real life. The fabric is lovely and drapey and falls well.

Silver Buttercup

Remember the yarn was a cotton/modal mix? I still love the colour and it's a lovely weight. But, it is a total pain to join and weave in. It's so tricky to get a perfect finish and the ends slip out. Thankfully, I found a solution quite by chance, on Pinterest. There is a magic knot! Just fantastic. It holds super tight, the ends can be cut super short and it disappears into the fabric. Perfect! I discovered it just under the arms and I'll be honest, I was tempted to rip back and redo my joins.... but I didn't. One reknit is enough.

Silver Buttercup Silver Buttercup

The hem is pretty isn't it? I love the way it ripples around.

Despite my false start, I did manage to finish in time. The tops, tanks and tees knit along ends next week. It has been fun knitting with everyone else and chatting on the Ravelry thread and I've been inspired watching everyone's progress. Some speedy knitters have made a couple of tops! There were lovely colours and lovely yarns and I found a ton of delicious new patterns to drool over.... I think I'll try to squeeze in one more before summer's over. Maybe in linen...