Truly Myrtle

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5 Things About Me

Skeppe - Hat Pattern coming soon.

I haven't participated in a meme for ages. Partly because it makes me vaguely uncomfortable to dedicate a whole blog post to talking about myself and partly because I've usually got a ton of other things I want to tell you. But, over the last week PixieSam from A Little of What you Fancy nominated me for a blog award and both Sue of Granny's World and Sarah from Sezza Knits tagged me in a game of (what I'm calling) "tell us five things about yourself" and that made me feel good, so I figured I'd better pass some of that goodness on. Plus, I've worked out a way to NOT make it all about me (you'll see). Ah, that feels better.

Right, so the five things:

1. Although airports fill me with excited anticipation, I'm quite scared of flying. Mr Myrtle explains to me how and why it's safe and I hear the words but they don't make me feel any better. There is nothing fun about zipping along in a steel box in the sky. To be honest, the effort of taking four children from the UK to New Zealand on my own (to visit our families) is nothing compared to the nerves I have to manage while on board. It is all I can do to not reply "I have absolutely no freak'n idea, we probably will" to their endless question "why don't we fall out of the sky?".

2. Before I had children I was an Intellectual Property Lawyer. Don't ask me what that is. I purposely don't remember.

3. My third baby was born at home before the midwife arrived. Apparently it is officially called a "BBA" (Birth Before Arrival). More people have them than you realise. Mr Myrtle and I had to catch her before she hit the floor and, although I wouldn't choose to do it again, it was pretty awesome.

4. My date of birth is a palindromic number. It's the same forwards as backwards. As a complete geek very fond of numbers, I've always been pretty chuffed about that. I wonder if you can work out what it is? (DD.MM.YY)

Skeppe - Hat Pattern coming soon.  Skeppe - Hat Pattern coming soon.

5. I finally finished writing up my hat pattern. I was tempted not to tell you because I'm so nervous. But, I thought if I slipped it in here at the end, you might not notice ... I'm looking for test knitters now. There are four sizes (Small child/Large child/Adult & Large Adult) and I'm after three tests of each size. If you're keen to test the pattern for me in the next few weeks, drop me an email at trulymyrtle (at), together with the circumference of the head you'd like to knit for.

Now I have to nominate a few people to tell us five things about them. Well, I'd like to hear five things about: 

  • Sabrina who's going to take the world by storm one day, and whose lovely blog Wolves in London makes me giggle.
  • Laura who takes absolutely beautiful pictures and shows us glimpses of the crafty country life I dream of, at Circle of Pine Trees.
  • Sarah, who feels like a knitting buddy and blogs about knitterly things over at Crafts from the Cwtch. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures into sewing Sarah!

Over to you ladies :)