Truly Myrtle

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Outfit 4 - Plans and Dreams

Well, I can't quite believe the wonderful reaction to Outfit 3!   I am so grateful for all your generous comments and kindness! I was a bit nervous about whether it would work, right up until I put the whole outfit on, and I didn't expect anyone to like it quite so much! I'm really thrilled :) Thank you.

But, back to business! April has begun and with it, Outfit 4. Since Spring isn't looking like showing its face anytime soon, despite the clocks changing here in the UK and the kids getting ready to go back to school for the "summer" term, I thought I'd try to freshen things up, but make sure I stay warm at the same time.

Outfit 4 is all about pyjamas, or "loungewear" as they seem to be called these days. I've got grand plans to glamorously lounge about in my new pyjamas so I'm calling this Outfit something like: She wakes up refreshed and invigorated, slips on her cardigan and her luscious slippers and glides downstairs to enjoy a peaceful coffee. It's a fabulous fantasy.

So, what am I making?

Outfit 4 - Cosy Planning

First up, a great big cosy cardigan. I'm not a dressing gown wearer. I prefer to be snuggled up in a cardigan and my current cosy cardy is worn out. Really. Holes and everything. So, it's time for another. I've decided to indulge in a little Amy Christoffers again (addicted...) and have cast on her Bailey cardigan in some soft and silky yarn that I bought a few years ago at Knit Nation in London. Remember, the event that changed my life? This lovely yarn has been waiting patiently for me. It's an Alpaca/Silk blend from Tall Yarns 'n Tales and I've actually dyed it blue myself! Cool huh?!

Outfit 4 - Cosy Planning

I'm going for a sloppy long-sleeved T and comfy bottoms under my cardigan. Take a look at the fabric I've found for the pants!!! LOVE! The yellow just sings to me and the wee sprigs of colour have such a vintage feel. The fabric is a light, silky cotton voile by Art Gallery Voile and it's perfectly named; Praline Honey. 

For the top I've bought some "peach" dye and I'm going to have a go at dyeing some white cotton jersey the subtle coral colour in the sprigs. It might be a bit of trial and error, so wish me luck!

Outfit 4 - Cosy Planning

And finally, I've got plans for my feet. This luscious russet/coco Malabrigo (I KNOW, decadent... terrible...) is destined to become a pair of French Press Slippers. I'm thinking I'll have a go at making the buttons for the toes and right now, embroidery is calling to me. But, I haven't embroidered in .... um ... decades?! ...  so we'll see how that goes. 

Do you have any embroidery tips for me?