Truly Myrtle

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Scrummy French Press Slippers

Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

Thank you for all the twin needle suggestions! Lots of you shared so many great ideas for sewing with knits in the comments at the bottom of my la st post, as well as on the Truly Myrtle Facebook page. If you haven't seen them, you might like to check them out. I even discovered a fabric shop stocking pretty fantastic cotton knit ... 

You'll see from my picture that my slippers are finished. In the end I went for the simplest of embroidered buttons - a running stitch with the yarn I used for my slippers. It was quick, I think it's effective and I love the way the stitches change colour through the button. Birdy button will have to wait for something else ...

Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

I did manage something a little mind-boggling though. I charted the instructions for the slippers and knitted the side pieces and the bottom as one piece. It took quite a bit of concentrating, but it was worth it. The slippers knitted up fast and I only had a little seaming to do at the heels and toes.

See my green slippers? That's why I need new ones ;)

  Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

The whole felting thing was more nerve-racking than I anticipated. The slippers started off pretty huge but I had little idea of how fast or how much they would shrink in our front loading washing machine, and it's not possible to whip them out quickly because the door locks when water is in the bottom of the drum. I had to drain it then open it.

In the end, I put them in a pillowcase and threw them in a 95° C cycle with a couple of pairs of canvas shoes that needed a wash. I used a little washing powder and washed them in short bursts of about 5 - 10 mins. They started felting pretty quickly but took longer to shrink. Once they were nearly there I soaked them in a bowl of boiling water but impatience over took me and I bunged them back in the machine for another 5 minutes ... that definitely shrunk them. They're a snug fit now.

Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

There's an added complication when you're making  two of anything; trying to make them look the same.  My slippers are pretty much the same, but one is definitely better than the other. My seaming up the toe on the right hand slipper looks worse in this picture than when it's on my foot, but it's not great. I must have bunched my seam a bit sewing them up - it sort of puckers a bit. The backs are okay and I'm pleased with the straps across the front.

Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

Underneath, I've squirted some no slip rubbery stuff. Man, it was tricky to control! Splodge, slurp, dribble. Hopeless! It does feel pretty cool and at least it's out of sight.

Outfit 4 - French Press Slippers

Outfit 4 is very nearly done. Some finishing on my cardigan, a soak and block and I'm there. Stay tuned for another big reveal very soon ...

In the meantime, you can find my slippers here, on Ravelry.