Truly Myrtle

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Share All The Things Friday #1


It has become screamingly apparent to me in recent months how much "interesting information" I gather, store and (often embarrasingly) share to unsuspecting, innocent bystanders who ask me simple questions like "you knit?" or "what are you having for dinner?". 

Curiosity is not a new trait for me. I've been interested in all sorts of "stuff" my whole life and when something catches my eye, I'm driven to find out as much about it as is humanly possible. But, it doesn't end there. My mum nicely described my compulsion to share information as "generous". Thanks mum :) I wonder if it's more a case of being unable to shut up.

Whatever the case, I've decided to start a regular Friday feature here at Truly Myrtle, enticingly entitled "Share All The Things Friday". Here, every Friday, my plan is to share five interesting tid-bits of "vital information" with you. A great deal will be about knitting, yarn and spinning etc. but I'm also planning to tell you about other interesting stuff that' s piqued my interest.

So, without further ado .... I give you: The very first "Share All The Things Friday"!

  • I am a very keen user of the library, particularly to try out new recipe books. The Green Kitchen is crammed full of so many fabulous, delicious recipes that I've ended up buying my own copy. My favourites so far? Buckwheat porridge (includes cardamon!) and the baked falafels with cashew nut "sour cream", wrapped in crunchy cabbage leaves.

  • I just wish you could reach into the screen and feel the DK weight "And Grey-Waratah" White Gum Wool (100% Merino) hand-dyed by very talented Briony of Gradient. Not only is the colour gradient just sublime but it is by far and away the very softest wool I've ever touched. It's about 17 microns! (that means it's like squeezing a cloud).

  • The Impromptu Cardigan pattern released on Ravelry by Annamaria Otvos hopped into my favourites on Ravelry this week. I love the ribbed detail on the arm, the funky pockets and the mixture of fitted sleeves with a sloppy body. The pops of red on the buttons and inside the pockets just finish it off beautifully.

  • I haven't sewn anything for myself for yonks. With summer just around the corner and remembering how hot I was last summer in my entirely inappropriately heavy English summer clothes, I am conscious that I'd better get started or I'll be hot again this summer. Anyhow, Sophie from (her newly named blog) Ada Spragg is inspiring me immensely. She may be altogether more beautiful, svelt and taller than me but she has a fabulous eye for pattern and colour and I'm feeling a sense of imminent sewing adventure reading about what she's been making.

  • The Sollicitude (Concern) hat pattern caught my eye when I was checking out the recent projects of one of my testers Jen last week. I love the folded finish at the back and it sounds like a fun knit. Turns out Jen designed this lovely hat herself and is running her first KAL for her hat from 24 August - 6 September, for which she's arranged some cool prizes. Not only that, but 50% of all proceeds from her hat pattern will be donated to ICC China Concernan organisation close to her heart. See the Ravelry thread for more details about the KAL.

So there you have it. My first five. I'm guessing my difficulty every week will be narrowing the infinite number of interesting things down to just five!

Have a happy weekend. X