Truly Myrtle

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A Simple Beginning

A Simple Beginning

Welcome to 2015 everyone! Happy New Year!

I'm feeling excited to be opening the door on a new year. After just over a year in New Zealand, we're feeling more settled in our new home and life is starting to feel reassuringly familiar. It's given me the space to think about how Truly Myrtle might evolve over the coming year and I've made some great plans, all the while chanting my mantra "keep it simple".

"Simple" has become my favourite word. I don't normally choose a word to wrap a year around but if I were to choose one for 2015, this would be it. In fact, focusing on keeping things simple is proving to be helpful in lots of areas of my life. I'm resolving to make more of what we've already got rather than indulge in new things. I'm committing to do less and do it really well. I'm clearing out, tidying up and organising. It's helping me clear my thoughts and "simple" is proving to be a constant reminder of those few things in life that really and truly matter.

So what's in store for Truly Myrtle during 2015?

  • Well, of course there'll be blogging. Yay! I'm planning a nice mixture of tutorials, interviews, general chit-chat and lots of pretty pictures showing you what I'm working on.
  • I'm going to get that jolly podcast started and am aiming for a monthly schedule. I'm sooooo nervous now!
  • The Truly Myrtle Handmade Newsletter is also new. A monthly, exclusive, "mini-mag", the Handmade Newsletter will be full of interesting articles, links to cool stuff, previews and peeks behind the scenes. It'll always be completely free and you can sign up by entering your email address where indicated on my sidebar. Expect the first copy to hit your inbox in the third week of January.
  • There will be more patterns. Feminine, stylish, wearable knitting patterns for women that are written as clearly as possible so you can make something beautiful and have a great knitting experience along the way. I can't wait!

And, I'm looking forward to getting to know you a little bit more. Meeting new people has been one of the greatest pleasures that's come out of Truly Myrtle these last (nearly) three years. Sharing stories, inspiration and lessons is fun. I so love it when you leave comments for me here on the blog, on Facebook or instagram and I love getting your chatty emails. Keep them coming! 

I do hope 2015 is looking inviting and positive for you too. Have you made plans? Resolutions? Do you have a word for your year? I'd love to know.

Love Libby X