The Versatile Blogger Award!


I've got another award and I'm not sure whether to be excited or embarrassed! I've been passed the Versatile Blogger award by Kiwiyarn Knits!!! 

Kiwiyarn Knits is an independent knitting designer living in New Zealand who loves New Zealand yarns. She writes a great blog that I have enjoyed reading for ages and I am pretty chuffed to be nominated by her!!! 

Oh, sod it, I'll be excited!!! Thank you so much! Truly Myrtle is one month old and this is my second award!!
The rules of the award are as follows:

list seven things about yourself,
let the person who you have awarded know you have nominated them,

nominate 15 other blogs, and
list this set of rules.

The list of rules seems to change depending on who is doing the receiving... so I'm going to adapt them a little to suit me...okay?

source: via Linda on Pinterest

Well, you know that I love to knit and I love to sew. I also love to cook and I love cakes. My favourite is a toss up between a carrot cake with lashings of cream cheese icing, and a lemon drizzle loaf...yum.
I am left-handed. Well, actually I am left-handed for some things, right-handed for others and mostly right-footed. So, I'm actually a left-right muddle.

I love little things. Little tiny things are just delightful! I've always had a thing about little drawers, tins and notebooks but my favourites at the moment are my wee collection of little houses and my tiny line up of quirky animals. So sweet.

I once won a disco dancing competition. The Truly Myrtle kitchen regularly doubles as a dance floor and the Myrtle kids are great groovers too...

I love camping, but my idea of great camping is not terribly rough. I'm talking duvets and pillows, chairs and tables and showers. I take my knitting ... in the UK my preferred style of camping is called glamping (glamorous camping!)

But enough about me. What about my nominations?!

Well, there are so so many very fabulous blogs in blog-land and the choice is baffling. So, I have decided to narrow the selection, and spread the love down-under, by nominating blogs from New Zealand, or blogs written by Kiwis. 

Oooh La La!!! Look at that beach!!! You'lll find this stunning place in the Coromandel in New Zealand. The Coromandel is full of treasures like Hahei beach. 
Oh yes, there is a lot of goodness down there, and here are a few great blogs:

The knitters among you might recognise the gorgeous Aviatrix Hat. The clever woman behind this very popular pattern is Justine and she blogs about her knitting and family life at JustJussi.

Vanille's blog At Down Under is a total visual pleasure and simply makes your mouth water! Vanille moved from Paris to New Zealand and she makes very lovely things, writes about delicious food, and her photographs are just amazing!

I know Linda from Op Shop Mama in real life and I love her colourful, quirky blog. It regularly brings a smile to my face. A habitual op-shopper (charity shop/thrift store) she has some awesome collections!

Kate is an Australian living in New Zealand. She crochets and sews and generally makes beautiful bits. Kate's blog Greedy For Colour is full of exquisite photos and fun stuff. Check out her fab bike!!! 

Sweet William is the blog of sisters Shella (NZ) and Paula (AUS). They describe their very stylish blog as an eclectic mix of things they love. They've been featured in magazines,  they sew, draw and make lots and lots of fab stuff that I love too!

Kelly hasn't actually blogged at Knitsoquaint for AGES! But, you have to take a peek and check out her wonderful knitting patterns. I have made several, and plan to make a 
bunch more! Come back Kelly!

So, there you go! My nominations!
Aren't they a fab bunch?!
I'm off to tell them...

Truly Myrtleaward