Storm in a teacup

We've had a funny old few days here at Truly Myrtle... it started right after I finished my last post, just minutes after actually. It's funny that something so small and innocuous as a cup of tea can cause so much trouble. Well, let me tell you, it can. Especially when it's tipped over a computer. Yip, you read right. I ignored that most sacred of rules - do not consume beverages near the computer - particularly when wrestling with toddlers at the same time. After my little accident, I'd go as far to say that toddlers, tea and computers should not occupy the same room at the same time. Well, my toddler and my tea collided (I'm not blaming her, really, it was totally my fault...) and the computer was drenched. Mr Myrtle was less than impressed. Voices were raised and I may have seen smoke waft from his ears. 

As a result, we were unplugged for a few days while the poor computer dried out. I could still get onto the internet on other devices, but couldn't get to my emails, nor check the regular stream of blogs delivered to my inbox. And, man, do you guys write a lot! I had soooooooo many emails to catch up on ..... So, yip, the computer dried and rather miraculously survived, and I am banned from drinking tea within a six foot radius of the poor machine.

basket of promise

You'll be pleased to hear that I made good use of my time. Just look at that basket of lusciousness! I raided my stash, pulling out skeins and balls that just NEED to be knitted into lovely things and then I searched Ravelry to see what other people had made with these yarns. Oh my, what an awesome feature. I found some fantastic patterns, popped them in my queue and now have the exciting prospect of knitting them! 

mummy's little helpermummy's little helpermummy's little helper

I am truly suffering from "want to knit all the things" syndrome, aka startitis. I'm still plugging away with my Everyday Cardy. It's mostly knitted up and I've been procrastinating over sewing the sleeves in, such is my aversion to sewing up. When I read that the Yarn Harlot always blocks her pieces it was all the ammunition I needed to delay further. If she does it, then clearly, so must I. And there, behind my little tea-tipper doing what she loves best, is my Everyday Cardigan, washed and blocking. 

I've resurrected my Wispi and that's coming along little by little. Remember it's lace? It's slow... 

pink scarf

Not to be put off by a little lace knitting, I've cast on another little something with stash yarn (I've been warning you there's a lot...). This pretty pink is a ball of Romney I picked up in New Zealand years ago from the lovely lady just out of Cambridge.  I'm not sure that she's still spinning and dyeing? I'm making Unleaving by Lee Juvan. It's a free pattern from Knitty and I'm knitting it shorter because I have a little less yarn than is called for. Okay, so it's a little ragged right now, but I am super pleased with it because the lace is ever so slightly complicated and I am managing it in spite of kids interrupting. The secret has been my pencil and my religious marking off of rows on the pattern. I don't breathe much while I'm knitting it, so it's being done in small bursts.

simple socks

The last piece of knitting on my needles is this sock. The first of a pair for Mr Myrtle. I'm knitting plain socks, cast on 64, knit two, purl two rib for a bit and then stockinette until the heel. Perfect knitting for school sports day, which is where it started. Great for chucking in the top of my bag as we head out the door and great for sitting under the tree in the sun in the school playground after school while chatting to other mothers. And, before you ask, I'm the only one there knitting. The yarn is from my stash, I bought it in France last summer from a tiny wool shop, at a rock bottom price. 

Details of all my projects can be found on my Ravelry page.

And finally, I have been quite staggered by the number of nominations for the Sunshine Award that I've been given this last couple of weeks. I'm so delighted at how many people have been enjoying my ramblings and pictures here at Truly Myrtle, I'm sure having fun :)