Life in the fast lane

I am still here... my needles are still clicking (although my sewing machine has been very quiet for a while now...) it's just that life has taken a turn for the busier of late. It's the last week of the school year and there've been music recitals, drama performances, gym displays, sports days, school open evenings  - you name it, we've had it... and although I must have written about a dozen posts in my head, the photos just weren't getting taken, and what is a post without photos?

But, tomorrow is the last day. The shows are over, the teachers have their fudge, we have the left overs in the fridge and I've managed to take some snaps to show you what I've been up to.

Nothing is actually finished. Nothing. I can definitely confirm that start-itis does not lead to finish-itis. Instead, it just leads to a bunch of semi-finished stuff... I've got to graft the toe on Mr Myrtle's second sock and finish sewing the band and then the button onto my Everyday Cardy - not much really... my sweet pink scarf is taking a wee zzzzz for the moment. 

Bag of tricks

But there is more. Oh yes. It's all in this bag. I'm a little aghast that things have come to this brown paper bag. But hey, it was handy, it fits everything and it hangs nicely off the door handles and the backs of kitchen chairs. I'm sure it's deeply symbolic that I'm using a big paper bag instead of making myself cute new project bags, or even better - using some I might already have, but never mind, do you want to know what is in it?


Poking out of the top is some absolutely deliciously squooshy Quince and Co. Osprey wool. Oh my, it is sooooooo lovely to knit! It's dense, but so soft. I'm loving it. It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm whipping up Jared Flood's slouchy Rosebud hat. Shhhhhhhhh... it's a gift. I know that my recipient will be reading this, so she and I will both pretend she hasn't seen it ... Okay recipient?


And my dear Lanata - that's in there. She's coming along steadily, and very nicely. I've been joining my balls with the magic knot I discovered a wee while ago, since the yarn is 50% cotton, and I'm already thrilled that when this lovely knit is finished I'll have no ends to weave in. Yay!!!

Mama Vertabrae

And now you're thinking, what?! there's more? What is that bag??? Some kind of Tardus? You might be right. Because I also have nearly a whole cardigan in there too. It's the latest pattern of the lovely Kelly Brooker - Mama Vertebrae. I've been itching for some stockinette, something I can just knit without thinking about, so when I saw this, I jumped for it. It is going to be a fab cardigan too, really simple and super useful. I can see that I'm going to make a couple of these...

I'm knitting it in a DK weight (she gives instructions for four different yarn weights - amazing!). It's a Wendy 100% Merino in a greeny/blue colourway and it's lovely and soft. I'm undecided about the length at the moment so think I'll leave it on some scrap yarn while I get onto the sleeves and then decide later. I'd quite like this one to have full length sleeves and am veering towards a twisted rib cuff, hem and band.

I've got so much more to tell you - two weeks is a LONG time!!! We've been to Fibre East (in all it's muddy glory), I've got big plans for holiday knitting and, I've been winning stuff! But, I'll leave you here today and try my best to tell you all about that really soon... X