Lace Meets Plate


My 50-something rows of lace are done. I won't lie, it wasn't all plain sailing. Lace & small children and lace & gripping TV don't mix. I lost my place a million times, reknit little sections twice and ripped out a bunch of rows once. But, in the end, I got to the top of the chart. I haven't checked carefully for errors but there is nothing glaringly obvious jumping out at me.

Because it's lace, at first I panicked that it was too small... but a little soak and blocking have allayed my fears. The lace has opened up beautifully and I'm terribly proud of my little bit of lace knitting. Isn't it pretty? 

Outfit 1 2013 - Lace Beret

Did you know you block lace berets (all berets I think) on dinner plates? It seems unlikely that the tiny thing will stretch over but it does. It's quite ingenious.
I had to photograph my beret on the best white backdrop - snow. We've had a dumping of snow this last week and it's been fun. Did you know snow actually photographs a bit blue? It's a tricky creature :)

The ravelry project page for my lace beret is here. I'll model it (with my finished outfit) soon.