Pacific Knits Review & Giveaway

I've got another book review and lovely giveaway for you! 

If you regularly lurk on the Ravelry list of top 20 patterns, you'll be familiar with the popular patterns of Alexa Ludeman and Emily Wessel, aka Tin Can Knits. These two clever women, both originally from Canada, now live half a world away from each other. These days Alexa lives in Canada, while Emily's in Scotland and if their photo shoots are anything to go by - they both are surrounded by very beautiful parts of the world.

Pacific Knits is one of three lovely knitting pattern books produced by Tin Can Knits. Like the other two, this one is crammed full of delicious colours and fabulous textures. Or as they say: "18 Irresistible earthy knits". And, they're right. This collection is overflowing with warm, traditional garments that have fun, modern twists. There are so many knits that would be perfect for the whole Myrtle family and I've had a hard job picking my favourites :)

Pacific Knits Review

Low Tide has been in my Ravelry queue for ages. I first spotted it when Annie Claire made one last summer and I immediately wanted one too. It's such a pretty light cardigan and it sounds fun to knit. 

See how the bodice is knit side ways? You knit the fronts and the back then pick up for the body and knit it all in one piece to the bottom. Lastly the sleeves are picked up and knit in the round. I love the cap sleeves, the way it drapes at the front and the little curl at the bottom. 

Pacific Knits Review Pacific Knits Review

You will definitely be seeing one of these in the Handmade Wardrobe this year... and, lucky for me, it comes in a huge range of sizes (5 children's sizes and 7 adult sizes!) because the Myrtle girls want one too :)

Pacific Knits Review Pacific Knits Review

I'm loving this hat! Sitka Spruce includes instructions for a snug beanie and a slouchier beret style hat. It's covered with a fabulous twisted stitch pattern and gathers in with a fabulous star shape at the crown. I can see it in the slouchy style for me, and a beanie style for Mr Myrtle - probably in two different colours ;)

Pacific Knits Review Pacific Knits Review

I just have to make Torrent, these sweet lace socks, too. They're described as "watery lace" and isn't it fitting? I love the way the lace undulates down the sock like a little brook. The lace pattern is written up as a chart which makes it easy to follow, and uses several simple stitches: YO, M1, K2tog, ssk and sssk (trust me, you can do these!). I think they'd be a great beginner lace pattern.

I really urge you to check out the other patterns in Pacific Knits too. There are some gorgeous sweaters for little boys and big men, knits for women and girls, cute boots for kids, hats for the whole family and cowls & shawls. Heaps!!! In fact, I'm often asked to recommend books for Grandmas so they can knit for the family - Pacific Knits would be a goodie. There's something in here for everyone, the instructions are clear and the patterns not overly complicated.

And, each of Tin Can Knits' patterns are available to purchase individually too. Both directly from them, or on Ravelry.

Want to win a copy of Pacific Knits for yourself?! 

I've got a copy to give away to one lucky reader - all you have to do is leave a comment below telling me which is your favourite design from Pacific Knits before midnight Sunday 10 March 2013 GMT. I'll randomly draw a winner and let you know Monday morning.

Fingers crossed X