The Neverending Outfit

Outfit 3 - Firefly Bag

It's often the last little things that seem to take the longest time, don't you think? Like the last inch on the strap of my Firefly bag or sewing the buttons onto my Grace Cardigan. They seem to go on and on, forever and ever ...

But, I'm nearly, oh so nearly there now. Outfit 3 is almost FINISHED! Just my bag to line, my skirt yoke to iron, and then it's photo time.

We're off to the beach this weekend (Not a warm swimming type beach. This is England, remember?).  But next week I'll be back to tell you all about my plans for Outfit 4 (if you follow me on Instagram you've already had a peek), and of course the Big Reveal of Outfit 3. Excited? ;)

Stay tuned!