Grace Knit Along - The Finish Line

Grace KAL prize

We've come to the end of the Grace Knit Along. It has been lots of fun and I'll show you some of the very lovely "Graces" that have been made soon but, in the meantime wanted to take a moment to say a few thank yous.

Grace KAL prize Grace KAL prize

Firstly, I wanted to thank the very dear knitters that joined in with me. This was my first kal and I was thrilled that so many people joined in! We've chatted, ooo'ed and aaahhh'ed over on the Ravelry thread, commiserated when countless of us mucked up the lace ... and cheered when cardigans were finished.

I had a great time knitting the cardigan for my March Outfit with you all - thank you! I hope you had as much fun as me.

Grace KAL prize

I'd also like to thank both Jane Richmond and Sarah at The Sheep Shop, my very fabulous local yarn shop, for donating bits and pieces for the prize. I'm going to randomly draw a name from all the Grace Knit Along-ers and we've got a lovely prize for a lucky winner. 

Firstly, Jane has donated a $15 gift certificate to her pattern shop! That's a bunch of patterns folks! And, delightful Sarah has donated some yarn - look at that pretty skein of candy sock weight?! It's dyed with natural dyes by the Natural Dye Studio here in the UK. Delish!

Thank you ladies!!!

The last part of the prize is a (much more successful!) Open Wide Zipper Pouch, made my me. It's a good sized project bag, measuring 14" or so across. I'm in love with the springy fabric and I hope the winner enjoys it too.

Grace KAL prize Grace KAL prize

So stayed tuned. I'll be back Wednesday to show you some very beautiful Grace cardigans, and to announce the winner of the Grace Kal. 

See you soon, and thanks X