A Very Mulberry Surprise

Mulberry Surprise

I listened when you told me I needed a project to get my teeth into. I believed you when you told me that if I knitted fast I'd get a cardigan whipped up before I head off to New Zealand in a month or so. And so, very very late one night I ordered some yarn online, amid visions of a luscious burgundy/crimson richly textured, slinky cardigan.

Imagine my surprise when this rather eye-shattering pink/purple merino turned up on my doorstep. I am aware that ordering yarn online can be slightly dicey because as hard as we try, colours don't always look the same on the computer. But, in this case, I can squarely take the blame. Despite the colour on-screen, I should have noticed that the colourway was "mulberry". Mulberry is definitely not "wine" or "crimson" or anything else vaguely red. It's a dark purple-pink colour.

You may be very taken with this colour. It is a perfectly lovely colour. It's just that it's not something I'd usually choose to wear. I am miles out of my comfort zone and flapping madly.

Upon opening the parcel, I briefly considered seeing whether I could exchange it. But two things stopped me. Firstly, my desperation to cast on. You know that feeling I'm sure. Your needles are calling, your palms itching and you can't wait another moment. Secondly, I thought that maybe I should let go of the steering wheel and just accept what life has thrown at me.  After all, this rich jewel-toned colour will suit me and, surely the challenge to make it work will be good for me? 

(Who ever knew that knitting could provide such valuable life lessons?)

I suppose you want to know what I'm actually knitting? It is another fabulous design by Amy Christoffers. Her White Pine cardigan. Knitted from the bottom up, the body and arms are joined at the underarms and the raglan shoulders are knitted all in one to the top. It takes a few repeats to get the pattern down, but it's not tricky and it's simple to remember. I've even mastered cabling without a cable needle and it's speeding things up no end.

My Ravelry project page, with a few more details, is over here.