Are We There Yet?


It's not as if I don't like the cardigan that's on my needles. I really do. It's going to be fabulous and I can't wait to wear it. It's just that, I think that when I showed you all my wips last month in my first podcast and positively "whipped" through them, I started to feel, that if I simply put my mind to it, I could knock them off really quickly.

It's a bit crazy to feel in a hurry about my knitting. Especially when it comes to a warm cardigan. I mean, knitting is supposed to be all relaxing and smooshy isn't it? And, it's not anywhere near cold here, It's summer! I'm unlikely to need this new cardigan until May. But I'm getting increasingly impatient to get it off my needles, I want it finished NOW and unfortunately that means I'm becoming less inclined to knit on it. So it gets slower. And I get frustrated. And so on. It's a bit of a vicious circle.

Don't get me wrong. I am knitting on it. But I'm a bit scattered when I do so. I pick it up, knit a row or two, put it down, check instagram, pick it up, decide I need to take another photo of it to post on instagram or facebook, put it down, fiddle about with that, finally pick it up again. Sigh at how slow it's going. Put it down. Make a cup of tea ... You get the picture?.

Rather absurdly, despite my dithering, I am actually making progress and I haven't really got too much to do. I can see that when I hang it up and see the gaps. I guess it makes me feel a little bit better. I've finished the body and am almost up to the shoulder cap for one sleeve and the elbow on the other.

I don't know. It'll be great to get it done. I was really hoping to show it to you all finished in my next podcast due out next week but I don't think that's going to happen. Not unless I put everything else on hold and just knit, knit, knit. Oh so tempting! but oh so unlikely.

Please tell me what do you do to get enthusiastic about your knitting when it starts to go really super slowly?!  Help?!

Truly Myrtlecardigan, knitting