Sweet & Sour

Sweet & Sour

I started those socks on the aeroplane. They really should be finished by now, but I'm resisting picking them up. I'm just not in love with them. It's the yarn. I liked it in the ball when I bought it in London in the midst of autumnal weather but now it's knitting up I'm not so sure. It's Zauberball and after hearing so much talk about it, I was keen to try it but right now, I don't think I'll use it again. 

Maybe it's a bit drab for my current mood? It's also a bit ropey and rough so it doesn't feel great as it slides through my fingers. I'm imagining it'll be reasonably hardwearing and I'm guessing it'll soften up after washing, but overall, I'm just thankful they fit Mr Myrtle and that he likes them! I don't fancy them on my feet.

My Ravelry project page is here for more details.

Sweet & Sour

I know, I've wound my ball of yarn into a cake. I have good reasons for that. When I cast on, I thought I'd try pulling my ball from the middle so it wouldn't roll all over the plane. It was fine at first, but as I got further along I ended up yanking out great hunks of yarn that tangled into knots and the whole thing was getting pretty annoying. Then, it was my birthday and along came a fabulous solution. Mr Myrtle spoilt me with an Ashford yarn swift and ball winder from the Holland Road Yarn Company

You guessed it, I just couldn't resist - I untangled the knots and re-wound my yarn onto my new ball winder. Oh my goodness those things are so much fun!

Sweet & Sour

And the lemons? I thought I'd show you some of the simple things I'm enjoying from our new life in rural New Zealand. These lemons are from one of the three, heavily laden, lemon trees in the orchard and I'm absolutely loving them. Squeezed into hot water in the mornings, zest in sauces and the whole things bunged into delicious cakes. Yum.

Don't forget my giveaway this week!