Catching Up & A Giveaway!

Portable projects

We're slowly getting into a rhythm. Usually it consists of to-ing and fro-ing to school, the supermarket and swimming, making packed lunches for 8 kids and dinner for 12 of us. The kids are sorting out their pecking order and I seem to be back to my unshakeable habit of spreading yarn, fabric, needles and books from one end of the house to the other and forgetting where I've put the car keys.

After a week of feeling frozen when I first arrived, I'm now lovely and warm and dreaming of new sundresses, super light-weight lace knitting and roomy bags to fill with bottles of water and sunscreen. I even caught myself talking my sister into making ourselves swimsuits today ... surely evidence that things are settling into some kind of normal.

I'll show you what I've been making soon, but first I have a bit of catching up to do. I managed to finish the beautiful hat for my friend (I've got some photos for later in the week) and if you're a follower of my Facebook page, you might remember that just before I left the UK I had my first article published. What a buzz! I was thrilled to appear in the second edition of iMake Magazine, put together by Martine of the wonderful iMake blog and podcast.

iMake Magazine is a digital magazine that you can download to your computer or tablet, full of interesting foodie and crafty reads. In this recent issue, I particularly enjoyed the articles about photography and handmade gifts, as well as the delicious gluten-free cake recipe which I will be sure to try out. My article was about portable crafts. It was a very timely topic for me and I really enjoyed planning, photographing and writing about what I could bring with me on my big trip to keep me busy and satisfied. The above photo is a taste of what I tucked into my suitcase.

Guess what?! Martine has kindly donated 5 copies of the fabulous iMake Magazine to give away to you lovely people!

If you'd like to win a digital copy, leave me a comment below this post by midnight (NZ time) Sunday 1 December 2013 and tell me your perfect holiday craft. I'll then draw five winners and let you know who you are next week (just one comment each please).

Fingers crossed! X

Truly Myrtlegiveaway, magazines