Going Full Circle

Accepting The Inevitable

A couple of days ago I wrote you a sob story about how I was going to frog this cardigan. How I should have swatched (I should have) and how it was going to be too small and I was starting it again. I said you shouldn't feel sorry for me, it was all my own fault, I should have swatched and anyway I love knitting, so it was no great hardship ...

Well. I'd written all that, was ready to post it, but first did a wee swatch on larger needles, blocked it and got a surprise. Oh my, this yarn GROWS! 

By some miracle I hadn't actually ripped back my original knitting. I don't know why. Perhaps because I'd made it all the way to the armholes (despite a little voice telling me this might not turn out so well - I also talked in my post about how I think we all do that. Just keep on knitting. Ignoring that voice. Taking an eternity to decide to frog things). Whatever the case, my original, mammoth effort was still in tact so I decided to wash and block my knitting thus far. Well, it grew too. Fantastic.

I'm not going to start again and everything is going to be just fine.

You know? I'm feeling a little relieved. No matter how much I love knitting it would have been quite a slog to knit this lot again. After all, the clock is ticking.

And don't worry. I'll never start another cardigan without swatching first. Never ever.

Will you?

Truly Myrtleknitting