knitting for knitting's sake - and .... relaaaaaaaax

Knitting for knitting's sake.jpg

The end of the year in the Southern Hemisphere feels more climactic than it ever did when I lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The end of year down here in New Zealand is a double, triple … well, it’s a huge whammy of events.

The end of the year marks not only the end of the year but also the end of the academic year, the end of exams and the beginning of summer.

It’s finally holiday time and the end of the year marks the beginning of our long summer slow-down until school’s back and things begin to pick up the pace again in February/March.

It feels like a finish line of the most gigantic proportions.

Or maybe that’s just me?!

2019 has been a busy, rollercoaster year. Have you felt that too? We’ve barely blinked and it’s nearly over and yet when I look back at all the things I’ve knitted this year … it’s mind-boggling that I managed to fit them all in that blink of an eye.

So, with just one month till we close the door on the first decade of the 2000’s, and with a pile of things to do, presents to buy and food to cook - do you know what I feel like doing?


I want to sit in a warm spot with a hot cup of tea and just knit. Stitch after stitch, row after row, in a slow rhythmic fashion.

No deadlines. No racing around. Just quietly knit.

How about you? Is knitting your go-to de-stressor too?

Do you steal moments just to knit?

Libby Jonson